International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technolog

"International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology"

Autohor Guidelines


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About Us

International Journal For Recent Development In Science And Technology (IJRDST) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online & print publication of scholarly articles. IJRDST aims to drive the costs of publishing down, while improving the overall publishing experience, and providing authors with a publication venue suitable for the 21st Century. IJDST targets to be timely in broadcasting cutting-edge knowledge to engineers, researchers, and academics whose interest is in the emerging developments includes all aspects of Engineering, Science.

Aim & Scope

IJRDST is an Open Access publisher of scholarly articles. We aim to drive the costs of publishing down, while improving the overall publishing experience, and providing authors with a publication venue suitable for the 21st Century.

Our tag line is: "High Quality Research , Low cost Publishing". We are committed to improving the process of scholarly publishing. At IJRDST We bring an exciting and refreshing model of scientific dissemination.